Tag: Democratic party

  • We Don’t Need No “Moderates”

    We Don’t Need No “Moderates”

    Don’t fall for the false notion that candidates committed to economic and social justice are unelectable in “red” and “purple” areas. Help those candidates win.

  • Ellison for DNC Chair: It Matters

    Ellison for DNC Chair: It Matters

    If the race isn’t about whether the Democrats embrace Bernie Sanders’ vision, it’s hard to understand why Tom Perez is running.

  • What Unity Should Mean

    What Unity Should Mean

    If headlines about the Democratic convention (shown below) are any indication, the main purpose of the event is “party unity.”  Calls to “Unite Blue” have been intensifying as the Democratic primary process has inched towards a close and represent a pitch for Bernie Sanders supporters to rally around Hillary Clinton,…

  • Why I Reject Lesser-of-Two-Evils-ism

    If Hillary Clinton ends up winning the Democratic nomination for president, some Bernie Sanders supporters will vote for her anyway.  I can respect that decision.  While the differences between Democrats and Republicans are often overstated – to give just two examples (there are many), the same people advise Clinton, Marco…

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